paramax scam, my dad bought a paramax system off a dude the other day. it wasn't this exact system but very similar. when i saw the guy showing it to my dad i got suspicious cause people have done the same to me, drive by and ask if i need a stereo. anyways he opened the box and when i noticed the that sub, receiver and amplifier were all one unit i asked, whats paramax ive never hurd it and he said "you ever here of the IMAX theater, same thing". rigt then and there i knew he was full of it. anyways my dad bought it anyways for a hundred bucks and i brought it home and hooked it up. and its ok. for a claimed 2000 watts its pretty qiuet. there is only one audio input for a stereo or a cd player. so if you want to hook more then one thing you need an additional receiver. its a ok system, worth the hundred bucks i guess.
paramax p-612 ,p-512, today some body came in my store and he have paramax P-612 and he selling me $200.00 .he said some one order this item but now he is not taking,i have computer at my store ,i check review this item at amazon its not good then i refused it,he told me this item cost $ 3450.
Phony, I think he meant Fony System, not Sony. These blew away your Fony system. Get it right dude.
Thought I got duped also but these actually aren't that bad..., I too was duped in the parking lot of my bank and when I found out other reviews, I felt like a real jerk. I ended up giving the p-510 to my parents who were still using a stereo set from the 80's... To my surprise, the construction was actually pretty sturdy, I mean it wasn't falling apart or even loosely built. Also, once I got the system set up, the sound was good. Not as good as my BOSE lifestyle 48 system, but this p-510 system turned out not to be such a waste. I paid too much yes but for the $200 average price it is going for, to be fair I would have to say that it is actually worth that price...
Paramax, DiVinci, Sutherland, Hyline, Genesis, Paragon, Kirsch - all garbage knock-offs - stay away!, The white van speaker scam comes to Amazon...what a shame. Hopefully they'll remove this scam altoghether from their site in a moment when I call them up.
The white van speaker scam of course doesn't have to be perpetrated in a white can be done through any vehicle. here's the biggest're not in a KNOWN audio/video store like a specialty hifi shop in business for years or a Best Buy, Fry's, etc., place. If you're not INSIDE one of these stores and you get offered speakers by someone in a vehicle, there's a 99.999% chance they are knock-off speakers. These speakers all use about $5 worth of components built in China and sold by companies like Paramax.
Paramax has a website, heck they even claim they have CEDIA membership...but it's all complete BS.
street scam, UPDATE: thanks to user comments clarifying why this is a scam. they are liars (MSRP price, wrong/missing specs, etc.), can't return if defective, etc.
my product is paramax P-510. scam only because you can't return the product if it is defective. luckily mine works. so the "scam" turned out to be a great deal. I offered them $50 for their ~$4000 MSRP product. they asked for "only" $500. we settled on $220.
with the scam, I was suspicious of:
1. mediocre/poor quality.
2. defective/broken.
the system works, and the remote control is cool (good functions, including bass and treble, and easy to use) and works fine.
also, the system is better than mediocre, but I would argue that Bose is better. but Bose is very expensive, so I am happy with my choice.
the system is no way 2000 watts. they are liars. the MSRP price is also a lie. I would guess 40 watts because my 80 watt $400 stereo system is way better. it actually has a promising first impression, quite elegant/sophisticated, robust. the one problem is: a VIBRATION NOISE.
the speakers are NOT the problem, as determined when I tried different speakers and got the same result.
(so the speakers are fully functional, no problems.)
something is wrong/broken with the main unit.
reduce to volume 0, wait 30-60 seconds, the vibration noise turns off.
(you actually hear the drone click off, followed by pure silence, same as when on MUTE)
raise volume, at volume 22 the vibration noise turns on again.
there is a loud click when the drone noise activates.
max volume is 46.
volume 25 is normal. in fact the system automatically initializes to this volume level, when you turn it off and on.
I prefer volume 30, somewhat loud.
(so I must deal with the drone/vibration noise)
the good news is the noise does not increase with volume, rather it is a stagnant/stationary/constant drone.
this means if you raise the volume very loud, it will drown out the vibration noise, almost to where you don't notice it.
thus this is NOT a major problem.
CONCLUSION: you get what you pay for. but it is definitely better than nothing.
ALSO: don't/never buy off the street because you can't RETURN it.
(obviously -- because no receipt or other paperwork, and no storefront to take the item to.)
WARRANTY: you can try to make a warranty claim.
REGARDING: "but don't expect real surround sound, its just sound from all speakers, surrounding you."
I don't get it, I thought all speaker systems work this way.
they rock!!!, I bought these Paramax Speakers also from a girl and it blew away my sony system so I was more than happy!
The same old same old, This has been going on for years and years.
Back in "the day" the early 80s... when I was a salesman at Tech HiFi on the east coast,we would often have people stop in to get info on a new pair of STUDIO MONITORS that they had just purchased from a van at the gas station!
These were always "professional" quality "MONITORS"that were "extras" due to an oversite with the packing slip..."Geez this slip says eight pairs and we have TEN! Looks like your lucky day!"
Did the speakers work? Yes. Were they quality speakers? Absolutely not!But still some people liked them, and if you weren't too much of a mark, and bought for a few bucks, maybe you did OK.
Worst speakers money can buy., I've listened to these and know some one that sells them. They cost him $35. So $35 for a pair of speakers. Now that means that some how the company made a profit from shipping them over from China. So the cost to make and ship them is prob $15.
Not a lot of quality there.
SCAM! Amazon needs to remove, My smartphone saved me as I almost fell for the white (rather grey) van scam. He started at $300 was willing to sell it for like nothing. Good thing i checked the AMZN reviews. Amazon needs to REMOVE this from their website as it diminishes their very strong reputation.
Don't fall for it. My reason for posting is to let people know that the scam is alive and kicking.

2500 Watts total system program power. * 2000 Watts Total System Powe * Subwoofer 500 Watts Program * Satellite Center 1500 Watts (5X300) * 8" Long Throw Active Driver * Bass, Treble Full Function Remote Control * Blue Power Watt Meters * Digital 5.